Holmes Bible College (30 Hours) and Southwestern Christian University (24 Hours) are offering college credits for completed MCP Program.
Contact them for more details.
YEAR 1 – Complete To Be Eligible For Local Church Minister’s License
Class # | Class Title | Teacher(s) | Overview | Textbook | Textbook 2 |
MCP100 | School of Ministry Success (2 Modules) | Steve Ely | This course introduces the student to time management tools like time blocking. The course also helps the student become familiar with the use of the Learning Management System (Canvas). | Boyd, Brady. Addicted To Busy: Recovery for the Rushed Soul. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2014 | Buford, Bob. Half Time: Changing your Game Plan from Success to Significance. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1994 |
MCP101 | Prayer: Biblical Principles with Practical Models (6 Modules) | Randy Hill | This course introduces students to the discipline and delight of prayer. Through an exploration of biblical models, types, and examples of prayer, students will come to understand prayer as a foundational Christian practice and posture of life. | Bounds, EM. E.M. Bounds on Prayer. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1997 | Small, P. Douglas. Prayer The Heart of It All. Kannapolis, NC: Alive Publications, 2017 |
MCP102 | Redemption History: Learning to Read and Interpret Scripture (6 Modules) | Dr. Adrian Hinkle | This course introduces students to basic approaches in biblical interpretation while providing an overview of the story of salvation presented through both the Old and New Testaments. | Duvall, J. Scott, and J. Daniel Hays. Journey Into God’s Word: Your Guide to Understanding and Applying the Bible. 2nd Ed., Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2020 | |
MCP103 | Theology I: Christian Beliefs 1 (6 Modules) | Dr. Doug Beacham | This course introduces theology as an essential component of a minister’s vocation. Students will encounter orthodox Christian beliefs through the Apostle’s Creed from a distinctly Pentecostal perspective. | Beacham, Jr., A.D. Light for the Journey: A Fresh Focus on Doctrine. Franklin Springs, GA: LifeSprings Resources, 1998 | International Pentecostal Holiness Church Manual 2022 - 2026. Franklin Springs, GA. LifeSprings Resources, 2023 |
MCP104 | Theology II: Christian Beliefs 2 (6 Modules) | Dr. Doug Beacham | This course introduces the distinct doctrines of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church and its position in the Christian faith. Students will compare and contrast IPHC language to the broader universal Church. | Beacham, Jr., A.D. Light for the Journey: A Fresh Focus on Doctrine. Franklin Springs, GA: LifeSprings Resources, 1998 | International Pentecostal Holiness Church Manual 2022 - 2026. Franklin Springs, GA. LifeSprings Resources, 2023 |
MCP105 | Biblical Studies I: Gospels (6 Modules) | Dr. Ryan Jackson | Examining the nature and purpose of each Evangelist’s portrayal of Jesus, this course surveys each of the synoptic gospels and the Gospel of John, providing attention to theological and literary aims of each biblical author. | Burge, Gary M. & Gene L. Greene. The New Testament in Antiquity, 2nd Edition: A Survey of the New Testament within Its Cultural Contexts. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2020. | |
MCP106 | The Making of a Leader (6 Modules) | Keith Gillam | This course examines principles and practices of leadership in Christian ministry from a Biblical perspective with Jesus as the supreme leadership role model. Special focus regards the qualities of spiritual leadership, the minister as a servant-leader, and avoiding the pitfalls of fatigue and failure. | Mohler, Jr., R. Albert. The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership that Matters. Revised Ed., Minneapolis: Bethany House 2023 | |
MCP107 | Becoming a Disciple (6 Modules) | Jason McCary | This course equips students to understand what it means to be an authentic disciple of Christ within the biblical framework and overarching theme of the “Mission of God”. Attention is given to grasping the purpose of Christ’s call regarding service to His Kingdom and learning to develop a posture for this unique call and lifestyle. | Williams, Rowan. Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2016 | |
MCP108 | Biblical Studies II: Pentateuch & History (6 Modules) | Dr. Adrian Hinkle | Using Genesis through 2 Chronicles as the basis, an overview of the main strategies for interpreting historical narratives (hermeneutics) is given as students engage both the canonical (theology) and historical context of these accounts. While attention is given to cultural backgrounds, the primary goal is to prepare students to appreciate the relevance of these books for the ministry in the local Church. | Longman, III, Tremper and Raymond B. Dillard. An Introduction to the Old Testament, 2nd Edition. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006 | |
MCP109 | IPHC History & Polity (3 Modules) | Dr. Danny Rollins & Mike Ainsworth | This course summarizes critical movements and individuals in the formation of IPHC history. This course will help the student interpret the polity of the IPHC at all levels of governance and justify the importance of honoring the polity of the IPHC. | Synan, Vinson. Old Time Power: The Centennial History of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church. Franklin Springs, GA. Lifesprings Resources, 1998 | International Pentecostal Holiness Church Manual 2022 - 2026. Franklin Springs, GA. LifeSprings Resources, 2023 |
MCP110 | Evangelism: Sharing Your Faith (4 Modules) | Todd & Tammy Porter | This course introduces a biblical theology towards a lifestyle of both personal and communal evangelism, exploring various models and methods of sharing the gospel, church-outreach strategies, and relational evangelism. Special focus is placed upon the significance of knowing and sharing one’s own story within the biblical framework of God’s Story. | Barna Group. Reviving Evangelism: Current Realities That Demand a New Vision for Sharing Faith. 2019 Sweet, Leonard. Nudge: Awakening Each Other to the God Who's Already There. Colorado Springs, CO. David C. Cook, 2011 | Burnett, Tyrone and Rainer, Thom S. Building an Outreach Ministry to Your Community: How to Grow Your Church by Ministering to People. Carol Stream, IL. Tyndale Momentum, 2023 |
YEAR 2 – Complete To Be Eligible For IPHC Minister’s License
Class # | Class Title | Teacher | Overview | Textbook | Textbook 2 |
MCP201 | Maturing as a Disciple (6 Modules) | Teryl Todd | This course builds upon a theological and practical understanding of personal-spiritual development as it relates to emotionally healthy discipleship, and explores the emotional health of the follower of Christ who aspires to lead others. Special emphasis is given to help students understand some of the failures which undermine deep Christian Discipleship. Assessments provide students opportunity to gain an understanding of the areas in which they need to grow and develop. | Ashby, William Brent, Galan, Benjamin. Spiritual Disciplines: Exploring the Classic Disciplines of the Faith pamphlet. Rose Publishing, Copyright 2009 Bristol Works, Inc. | Scazzero, Peter. Emotionally Healthy Discipleship: Moving from Shallow Christianity to Deep Transformation. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Reflective, 2021 |
MCP202 | Biblical Studies III: Acts & Pauline Epistles (6 Modules) | Dr. Ryan Jackson | This course presents a brief survey of the Book of Acts and New Testament Pauline literature, attending to the unique role of the Spirit’s presence and guidance concerning the numerous challenges facing the first century Church. Emphasis is placed on the unique impact of the Apostle Paul’s ministry with a focus on Paul’s chief theological ideas. | Burge, Gary M. & Gene L. Greene. The New Testament in Antiquity, 2nd Edition: A Survey of the New Testament within Its Cultural Contexts. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2020. | |
MCP203 | Biblical Christian Ethics (4 Modules) | Keith Marriner | As a survey and brief analysis of how Christians approach contemporary moral and theological issues, this course advances Christian ethics as a Christ-centered responsibility which integrates faith, learning, and living in a post-Christian context. | Holy Bible. Students may choose any translation except paraphrase i.e., NLT and Message. (ESV, NASB, and NIV translations are preferred) | Rae, Scott. Introducing Christian Ethics: A Short Guide to Making Moral Choices. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2016. |
MCP204 | Biblical Studies IV: Old Testament Writings (6 Modules) | Bob Ely | Students build their Biblical interpretation skills for literary and theological study of the writings genre (Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs). Special focus is placed on Wisdom theology and interpretive strategies unique to this genre. The overall messages of these texts are discussed in contemporary social and ecclesiastical contexts. | Baxter J. Sidlow. Explore The Book. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1987 | Jensen, Irving L. Job: A Self Study Guide. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1991Jensen, Irving L. Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon: A Self Study Guide. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1991Jensen, Irving L. Proverbs: A Self Study Guide. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1991Jensen, Irving L. Pslams: A Self Study Guide. Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1991 |
MCP205 | Theology III: Wesleyan Theology (6 Modules) | Karen Lucas | Introduces John Wesley and his hermeneutical interpretations of the Christian faith. Students will analyze Wesley’s doctrinal progression and positions when compared to the Augustinian-Calvinist perspective. | Brooks, Noel. Scriptural Holiness. Franklin Springs, GA: Advocate Press, 1967. (Reprint: LifeSprings Resources, 2002) | Thorsen, Don. Calvin Vs Wesley: Bringing Belief in Line with Practice. Nashville, Tennessee: Abingdon Press, 2013.Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs. Foundations of Wesleyan-Arminian Theology. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press, 1967. |
MCP206 | Biblical Studies V: Non-Pauline Epistles (4 Modules) | Dr. Joathan Altman | This course explores the style, content, authorship, and purposes of the New Testament letters attributed to James, Peter, John, Jude, and the anonymous Hebrews text. Attention is given to various issues facing early Christians, as revealed in these texts, and the relevance and application of those themes for the Church today. | Burge, Gary M. & Gene L. Greene. The New Testament in Antiquity, 2nd Edition: A Survey of the New Testament within Its Cultural Contexts. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Academic, 2020 | |
MCP207 | Church Planting & Revitalization (5 Modules) | Dr. Trey Jones | This course will contrast church planting with revitalization. Various types of church planting will be examined. Students will also design a model for revitalization in the local church. | Lomenick, Brad. H3 Leadership: Be Humble, Stay Hungry, Always Hustle. New York, NY: HarperCollins Leadership, 2016. | Chand, Samuel. Who’s Holding Your Ladder?: Selecting Your Leaders, Leaderships Most Critical Decision.New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2016. *** Chand, Samuel. Culture Catalyst: Seven Strategies to Bring Positive Change to Your Organization. New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2018. *** Stetzer, Ed. Planting Missional Churches: Your Guide to Starting Churches that Multiply. Brentwood, TN: B&H Publishing Group, 2006. *** Hodges, Chris. Pray First: The Transformative Power of a Life Built on Prayer. Nashville, TN: Harper Christian Resources, 2023. |
MCP208 | The Minister’s Family (5 Modules) | Erik & Gena Boggs | This course teaches how to create the home as a natural sanctuary for the minister by creating healthy boundaries and family dynamics for mutual support. The student will be challenge to be balanced between one’s commitment to both the local church and family. | Holy Bible. Students may choose any translation except a paraphrase (like the NLT or The Message). ESV, NASB, and NIV translations are preferred. | |
MCP209 | Biblical Studies VI: Prophets (6 Modules) | Dr. Doug Beacham | Major themes from the Old Testament prophets are reviewed within the framework of the interpretation methods appropriate for this genre of biblical literature. Similarities and differences in how these leaders communicated are discussed as well as the content and context of their messages. | Holy Bible (New King James Version) | Hays, J. Daniel. The Message of the Prophets: A Survey of the Prophetic and Apocalyptic Books of the Old Testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2010. |
MCP210 | Communicating Scripture (6 Modules) | Dr. Terry Tramel | Providing special attention to the formation and delivery of expository sermons, this course examines the nature and purpose of preaching and teaching while exploring various theories and methods for faithful oral and written Biblical proclamation. | Nelson, Jesse L. Preaching Life-Changing Sermons, Grand Rapids, MI. Kregel Ministry, 2022 |
YEAR 3 – Complete To Be Eligible For IPHC Ordination
Class # | Class Title | Teacher | Overview | Textbook | Textbook 2 |
MCP301 | Multiplying Disciples | Jim Eby | Students constructively reflect on the range of discipleship frameworks, exploring and implementing practical means and models in ministry environments that produce deeply-formed generations of disciples of Jesus Christ. | Hull, Bill. The Disciple-Making Pastor: Leading Others on Their Journey of Faith. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2007 | Putnam, Jim & Harrington, Bobby. DiscipleShift: Five Steps That Help Your Church Make Disciples Who Make Disciples. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2013 |
MCP302 | Biblical Hermeneutics: A Pentecostal Perspective | David Richardson Jr. | Using Luke and Acts as the focus, students are introduced to biblical studies within the Pentecostal Tradition and the reception history of these texts by some of the early IPHC leaders. Students are introduced to Pentecostal resources while closely examining the influence of the Old Testament in shaping how Luke teaches on the Holy Spirit. | ||
MCP303 | Theology IV: Pentecostal Theology | Introduces the history and progression of Pentecostal theology and its adherents. Students will examine the core tenets of Pentecostalism compared and contrasted to the universal church. | |||
MCP304 | Leading Groups and Teams | Chris Thompson | This course considers an array of topics related to local church and team leadership including: effective team processes, building ministry teams, communication in team building, and identifying, developing, and discipling leaders for Christian service. | ||
MCP305 | Theology V: Theology of Healing | Hans Hess | Furthers the biblical teachings of theodicy and divine healing. Students will develop a personal catechism addressing the problem of evil and other related questions. | ||
MCP306 | Christian Apologetics: Defense of Faith | Kevin Sneed | Introduces philosophical methodologies for defending the Christian faith against fallacious, unwarranted, or antagonistic attacks. Students will defend and assess the five mainline apologetics methods. | ||
MCP307 | Leaders in Church History | Hans Hess | This course offers a brief, historical-theological exploration of prominent individuals, corresponding groups, and key events which have shaped the history of the church. Emphasis is placed upon the enrichment of one’s own devotion to Christ for the sake of the Church as modeled by servant-leaders in the Church’s past. | ||
MCP308 | Worship: Theology & Practice | Wes Tuttle | God-honoring worship includes a range of cultural expressions and experiences. Students will analyze trends in corporate worship settings and historic movements from a biblical theology of worship. Students plan and evaluate ministry practices to lead others in communal prayer, music, preaching and teaching, and ordinances. | ||
MCP309 | Global Missions | Russell Board, Bill Schwartz, Jamie Dunning | This course is an introduction of Christian Missions that provides a Biblical basis for understanding the mandate for global evangelism, examines various strategies for communicating the gospel cross-culturally, emphasizes the essential role of Global Missions for the local church, and familiarizes students with the IPHC World Missions Department and IPHC missionaries. | ||
MCP310 | Money Management in Ministry | Chris Thompson | This course will present address stewardship, generosity and best practices for managing money as a minister. The minister's budget and retirement planning will be examined. The church budget will also be addressed. | ||
MCP311 | Christ-like Leadership (CAPSTONE) | Steve Ely | This is an internship coordinated by the Conference MCP Director. This internship will help the student connect all of the MCP Materials they have learned to their present/future ministry assignment. |